Secure Global Ocean Protection
There are over 2 million species in the ocean – but overfishing, pollution and climate change are causing catastrophic biodiversity loss. Creating hundreds of oceans sanctuaries across the world would have an extraordinary effect on life in our oceans. Where marine areas are properly protected, fish populations have been shown to increase more than six-fold.
Our fate is bound to the fate of our oceans. They do more than harbour incredible wildlife – they support all life on Earth. By producing half our oxygen and soaking up huge amounts of carbon dioxide, oceans are one of our best defences against climate change. If they don’t make it, we don’t either.
Protecting our oceans needs international co-operation. Greenpeace is campaigning around the world to persuade Governments to agree to a strong Global Ocean Treaty at the United Nations. This is an historic opportunity to create oceans sanctuaries, areas safe from human exploitation, across at least 30% of our oceans by 2030.
Wherever a proper ocean sanctuary is created, the results are dramatic. Habitats recover. The fish come back. Life finds a way. A global network of sanctuaries is a brilliantly simple – and achievable – solution to some of the threats our oceans face.
The Future
If we succeed, this global network of oceans sanctuaries will be one of the biggest conservation efforts in human history, creating millions of square kilometres of new protected areas. Ocean life would become healthier, more abundant, and better able to cope with big global threats like climate change and plastic pollution.
“We need to protect the ocean, as if our lives depend on it, because they do.”
Dr. Sylvia A. Earle
Highlight the issues
CompletedHelp bring journalists and other influencers on board our ships so they can witness first-hand the impact of destructive industry at sea.
Key achievements
We need more media channels and influencers talking about the need for oceans protection, to mobilise people around the world and influence key decision makers.
Key achievements with this milestone
Expose illegal and destructive fishing
CompletedProvide our investigations units with the equipment they need to expose illegal and destructive fishing activity.
Key achievement
Equipment such as drones and underwater cameras can help us to get closer to the ships we are monitoring, document activity on board and share it with the world.
Key achievements with this milestone
Help us tell the world!
CompletedOver three million people have already voiced their support for ocean protection by signing our petition – but we need millions more to put real pressure on governments around the world and place the spotlight firmly on the UN negotiations.
Key achievement
We’ll create compelling online videos using footage from our ships, that can be shared widely on social media, exposing destructive fishing practices.
Our campaign will reach tens of millions of people worldwide, making ocean protection an issue that people really understand and care about.
Key achievements with this milestone
Lobby decision makers for systemic change
DonateSend a Greenpeace delegation to the UN Negotiations to present our roadmap for global ocean protection (our 30*30 report), which sets out what a planet-wide network of ocean sanctuaries, free from harmful human activity, could look like. This research was the result of a year-long collaboration between leading academics at the University of York, University of Oxford and Greenpeace .
Key achievement
By speaking directly to decision makers, we can campaign for a strong Global Treaty that includes protection of 30% of our oceans by 2030.
Key achievements with this milestone
Help us create undeniable proof
UpcomingHelp fund work with world-leading climate scientists and marine biologists on Greenpeace ships, such as recently undertaken research into the Antarctic seabed and the Saya de Malha Bank (the largest seagrass meadow in the world).
Key achievement
Scientific research contributes to better understanding of wildlife and diversity, highlighting its value and need for protection.
Research provides data on the role that key eco-systems play in carbon storage, strengthening the links between oceans and climate and helping to build the case for a strong Global Oceans Treaty.
Key achievements with this milestone
Fund a ship tour!
UpcomingFund a ship tour! For nearly 50 years, Greenpeace has been sailing the world’s oceans protecting our planet and fighting for environmental justice. From obstructing nuclear tests in the Pacific, to documenting plastics in our oceans; from conducting research into the effects of climate change in the Arctic, to stopping shiploads of illegal timber leaving the Amazon; from bringing humanitarian relief to communities devastated by extreme weather to collaborating with local authorities to arrest illegal fishing operations in West Africa – our ships are fundamental to Greenpeace campaigns.
Key achievement
Undertake research and investigations in high seas fisheries to expose the indiscriminate killing of iconic whale and dolphin species and potential human rights abuses at sea
Conduct world class scientific research on wildlife and ecosystems to make the case for why these international waters should be put off-limits to human exploitation
Work together with coastal communities to showcase their success in taking ocean protection into their own hands and offer our ship as a platform to local scientists and environmental campaigners
Confront the fishing industry: we’ll take direct action to stop the plundering of the ocean and the killing of wildlife.
Key achievements with this milestone